Christmas was fun and very relaxed as well. My 4 year old cousin and brother woke me up at 7-ish to open presents cause they couldn't wait. Then we all dived right into the gifts and ripped the wrapping paper to pieces. In the afternoon we ate, talked and laughed. Towards the evening we went to the movies to watch Mandela: Long Walk To Freedom, which was amazing and very eye-opening. My mum told me how in college she took part in protests to free Mandela. I learnt a lot about how he came to power and how he was not the only one in the movement for equality in South Africa. I am very sad about his recent passing because he was one of those people that I would have loved to meet although I learnt a lot about Winnie Mandela and she is another strong-willed person that I would love to just talk to and understand how she feels about certain issues and things of that nature. Altogether is was a wonderful Christmas!
My parents... to be completely honest mostly my mum got me the Michael Kors bag I have been lusting over for ages and surprised me with the little side purse!!! I also got a lot of clothes, which I realize as you get older you appreciate clothes more than when you were about 3 to 12-ish.
My uncle and aunt got me this wireless speaker which is amazing cause it connects to your mp3player or phone by bluetooth and you can play music from almost any where.
I also got gift cards and other lovely things. I am extremely grateful for very single thing I got from my family and friends.