Hello! Hey! What's up?! Ni hao! Guten tag! Hola! Bonjour... Okay I need to stop. I just wanted to check in and give a little update on this thing called my life and what's going on in my head.
I've been trying to stick to my New Years Resolution and I'm not going to lie it has been a pain in the butt! We are not even halfway through with January and I am tried of going to the gym but I am not giving up!
I've been trying to stick to my New Years Resolution and I'm not going to lie it has been a pain in the butt! We are not even halfway through with January and I am tried of going to the gym but I am not giving up!
Okay let's see... What's been happening in the news that has caught my attention? I've been keeping up with the 2016 U.S. presidential election because am I finally old enough to vote! Since it is going to be my first time voting, I want to understand everything. I am not going to lie this presidential race is more entertaining than informative but it's funny to see how this will all play out. Besides the presidential election, the drama with the Oscars is something that has been on my radar. Some people want to boycott the Academy Awards because of the lack of diversity in the nominations. I think that is a bit of a stretch but I think it is very upsetting how there are no nominees of color. Most people are blaming the Acamedy although the problem lies with Hollywood and casting agents not only on the Academy.
There needs to be more roles for minority groups that does not portray us as a stereotype and roles that put us as a strong lead. Shows like Quantico, Jane the Virgin, and How To Get Away With Murder are breaking the cycle and allowing diversity to shine and once Hollywood understands this there will be more roles in movies and series for people from all walks of life.
That's my whole spiel on what I have been up to and what is going on in my crazy little head. How are you guys doing? I'll love to know. Any thoughts on the Oscars? As always I'm hoping Leo finally gets an Oscar!