My Favorite Fan Art ^^^: (Looking for Alaska by ~HarpyMarx on deviantART)
My Favorite Quotes:
- “We all use the future to escape the present.” ― John Green, Looking for Alaska
- “So I walked back to my room and collapsed on the bottom bunk, thinking that if people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.” ― John Green, Looking for Alaska
My Thoughts On The Book
I first heard about this book from a friend in school then after that I started seeing it everywhere like on tumblr, Facebook and other odd places. I thought to myself it must be a sign to read it, so I did. I have no regrets about this book. Every John Green book makes you question your whole existence and that is the kind of book I love.
I don't want to spoil the book for others but its about a boarding school and a teenage boy going there for the first time. He makes friends along the way and he wants to change his life from the old boring routine he did back home, so he is on the search for "The Great Perhaps". He may be searching for that but he finds a whole new awaking into a life of risk, loyalty and maybe love? More Info.
I think the main reason why I like 'Looking For Alaska' so much is because their boarding school is VERY similar to the one I just graduated from. In the book there is an "evil" swan and my school has a swan as well and everyone hates it because it's mean and if you try to get close to the swan it will chase you. It is funny watching others get chased but not when its you. In the novel their school discipline system is very strict and my school is like that. If you get in trouble you go to the Honor Council or Discipline Committee and the book has something every similar to that.
Enough of my rambling, all in all 'Looking For Alaska' is a glorious book and I think it relates to everyone.