Hey guys! Let me start off my saying sorry for the silence. I have been going through those lack-of-inspiration-phases. I have been posting a lot on my Instagram but not on here. Sorry! Last weekend, I took a road trip with a group of my close friends from high school. It was exactly what I needed to get back into the groove of things. Savannah is one of those underrated places and I glad I got a weekend to explore a different part of Georgia. We also took a quick detour to Tybee Island, which is about an hour away from Savannah. This post is a collection of photos I took. I didn’t take as much pictures as I wanted because I was trying to enjoy the trip and catch up with my friends I haven’t seen in ages.
Savannah & Tybee Island were definitely amazing but I did not expect the intense humidity and the amount of mosquitoes. I wish someone gave me a heads up because I spend most of the trip sweating and scratching mosquitoes bites. TMI? Now, I’m back in Atlanta but I’m off to Washington DC next month for a journalism conference. Time to get ready for networking, small talk, and taking a step into the professional world. Look at me! Being an adult. *Self-high five*
Tybee Island
↓ My friends and I (Lexi not in the picture. She is the one behind the camera) ↓