I always preach how it is okay to take some time for yourself but I need to take my own advice. Recently, my weekdays are strictly for work and all my time to spend time with friends and family are packed into the weekends. This leaves no time for me. I miss the days when I would wake up and have no plans for the rest of the day. Just stay in bed until I am hungry enough to go get food. Then watch tons of YouTube videos and scroll through Instagram. Now, there is always something I have to do or somewhere I have to be. Don’t get me wrong. I am very grateful for how my life is turning out. Little Feyi used to dream about this life of grabbing lunch with friends, spending time with family, having her own apartment and exploring amazing places.
Although, I miss being bored! I miss having nothing to do to during the day. Mondays to Fridays, I work then after work I invest my time into filming, editing and writing for my blog. On weekends, I hang out with my family and friends. My brother and I were joking about this the other day. About how when we were young and living in Nigeria, we would beg anyone to take us out cause there is only so much TV a kid can watch (until the power went out… if you’ve lived in Nigeria then you know). Now, we miss having nothing to do. As crazy as it sounds, I want to plan time out of my week for ‘doing nothing’. Time to just lie down and stare at the ceiling. Scheduling important time to be bored. I always feel bad when I cancel plans or say no to plans. So, I have to make the conscious decision to plan ahead for some "me-time" or rather some "bored-time".